Mora Group becomes a member of « Coq Vert »
As part of our commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and in order to support our actions in favour of the ecological and energy transition, Mora Group is proud to announce that it has joined the Coq Vert community, an initiative supported by Bpifrance and ADEME.
This membership marks a further step in our Group’s environmental strategy, demonstrating our determination to make an active contribution to building a sustainable economic model that reconciles industrial performance with the preservation of natural resources.

Why join the Coq Vert community?
The Coq Vert community is much more than just a network: it brings together almost 2,500 business leaders committed to a voluntary approach to meeting major environmental challenges. By joining this group, Mora Group intends to play a full part in this collective dynamic and is committed to :
- Reduce climate disruption by adopting practices in line with carbon neutrality targets and investing in initiatives to help adapt to climate change.
- Make the ecological transition a necessity, a source of value creation and sustainable employment.
- Encourage, disseminate and promote technological and organisational innovation to accelerate the ecological transition of our industrial processes and products.
- Mobilise and unite our professional ecosystem by raising awareness of environmental issues among our partners, employees and customers.
- Make the ecological transition an opportunity to create sustainable value and responsible economic development.
Support to accelerate our transformation
Joining the Coq Vert community opens the way to a structured framework and concrete resources, enabling us to advance our environmental commitment:
- Specialised training: we now have access to exclusive training modules and educational resources that enhance our expertise in the fields of energy and ecological transition.
- An active network: through regular meetings, workshops and events, we benefit from a forum for dialogue and sharing with other committed players, encouraging the exchange of best practice and the emergence of collaborative initiatives.
- Increased visibility: by highlighting our actions, our participation in this community enables us to promote our environmental projects to our stakeholders and inspire other companies to follow suit.

Mora Group: committed to a sustainable future
For several years now, Mora Group has been fully integrating environmental and social issues into its business. This is illustrated by our participation in the Ecovadis programme, which assesses and values companies’ CSR performance. Joining the Coq Vert community represents a natural extension of this approach, and an additional lever for stepping up our efforts to promote the ecological transition.
We are convinced that this transition should not be seen as a constraint, but as an opportunity for transformation and innovation. It is forcing us to rethink our production models, to invest in sustainable technological solutions and to strengthen our role as a responsible player in our sector.
Beyond our own actions, our ambition is to unite all the stakeholders with whom we work: customers, partners, employees and suppliers. By collaborating with local and international players, we aim to contribute to a collective dynamic capable of meeting today’s climate and environmental challenges.

Mora Group has chosen to combine economic performance with environmental responsibility. By joining the Coq Vert community, we are reaffirming our role as a committed leader and our determination to play an active part in the ecological and energy transition, in partnership with players who share the same values.
To find out more: :
Download the Coq Vert manifesto: Le manifeste