Our CSR commitments and actions

The MORA Group is a family business that has been committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for several years.

The MORA Group is a family business that has been committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for several years.

The company is constantly striving to improve its practices, starting by reducing the environmental footprint of its industrial sites and promoting the well-being of its employees.

Group management is convinced that competitiveness and sustainability go hand in hand. This approach permeates all the company’s processes.

The vision and values of the MORA Group are clearly identified and validated by our CODIR and communicated to all staff via digital communication tools:

For many years, we have placed employee satisfaction and professional development at the heart of our corporate strategy, in order to guarantee full customer satisfaction.

We make every effort to live up to our vision as defined:

« The MORA Group’s vision and coherence are underpinned by shared human, professional and relational values, to the benefit of common objectives geared towards customer satisfaction.

Confidentiality and mutual trust are at the heart of our ethics. It’s the key to mutual success and balanced relationships. »

Our raison d’être is based on the core values we share:

– Customer culture

– Technical excellence

– Agility

We carry out a regulatory watch in partnership with the plastics industry association, and this approach is helping to structure our commitment to the circular economy. For a number of years now, we have been carrying out the ECOVADIS survey, from which we have been developing a specific action plan to ensure year-on-year progress.

As part of a “design for the environment” process, we work with our customers to propose solutions that reduce the amount of material used for a given function.

We also use rheology software to optimize wall thicknesses during the development phase.

We also prescribe the use of bio-sourced materials.

Our plastic-based products are 100% recyclable at the end of their life cycle.

We keep packaging to a strict minimum, and are constantly working on reducing the weight of our products to limit their impact on transport.

We invest continuously and massively in our production facilities in order to reduce and minimize our environmental impact. At our Chambost-Allières site, we have completely transformed our processes, switching from hydraulic to electric presses.

Our material consumption is monitored at regular intervals to guarantee product conformity and detect any drift.

We calibrate our counting scales at regular intervals to ensure that we only produce what’s really needed.

We have installed fume recovery systems in our mechanical and pad printing areas.

With the agreement of our customers, we ensure that our production offcuts are reused, so we have optimized component management to facilitate their reuse.

When we clean our molds, the chemicals used are recycled in-house using a special machine with an environmentally-friendly solvent.

We recycle all our production off-cuts with certified companies. We are developing a specific process for recovering and separating plastics, which should enable us to reuse the plastic material, even in the case of overmolding.

All our specific industrial waste (SIW) and common industrial waste (CIW) are sorted into dedicated skips and recycled thanks to a rigorous process and the involvement of all our staff.

We systematically give priority to short circuits and use the solidarity economy wherever possible.

This approach enables us to:

– Promote local or national employment

– Better control over our suppliers

– better reactivity/adaptability

– Guarantee that our sourcing complies with national and European regulations

– Reduce CO2 impact by reducing transport costs

We choose transporters or logistics service providers that are neighboring companies, or close to our customers, in order to reduce the carbon impact of moving our products.

Our recruitment and induction process is orchestrated with professionalism and kindness by our Human Resources department.

Skills management is at the heart of our HR process.

We conduct annual appraisal interviews, which also enable us to identify training and skills development needs. A training plan is then drawn up and rigorously monitored.

We encourage internal promotion at all hierarchical levels of the company and have numerous examples of this.

Staff turnover at MORA is extremely low, as is absenteeism.

We conduct annual staff satisfaction surveys.

The MORA Group is committed to banning all forms of discrimination based on origin, sexual orientation or identity, age, marital status or pregnancy, disability or any other discriminatory criterion.

We have set up a specific process to deal with any situation of harassment.

We have introduced a teleworking charter.

Our premises are modern and our employees enjoy convivial living spaces: our canteens are bright and we have landscaped green areas.

Depending on legislation, our employees share in the company’s profits through profit-sharing and incentive agreements negotiated with social partners.

We promote team-building through a variety of events: awarding of long-service awards, team-building days, summer parties, etc.

As a management system for continuous improvement, Lean Manufacturing has a positive impact on the way our company operates.

This is due to the fact that working conditions are taken into account in our production processes.

We are convinced that by improving working conditions, employees will be motivated to achieve their objectives, and consequently, customer satisfaction.

Efficient management routines are implemented: a daily meeting is held to coordinate the quality, maintenance, mechanical engineering, production and logistics departments.

A weekly meeting ensures top-down communication and follow-up of improvement actions.

As part of our approach to customer satisfaction, we systematically analyze our malfunctions using problem-solving tools such as QRQC, 5 Whys and Hishikawa.

The action plan derived from lean manufacturing (PDCA) is discussed with management on a monthly basis.

Today, we want to go further, aware of the environmental and social challenges of our business.

Our responsibility is not limited to the scope of our activities, but extends to our entire value chain, with the aim of having a positive impact on our entire ecosystem.

MORA Group teams are committed to building a sustainable growth model that is even more respectful of people and the environment.

We are working on life-cycle analysis of our products, the introduction of recycled composite materials, energy management and the reduction of the carbon footprint of all our activities.

Our aim is to set up a sustainable and realistic CSR management system, culminating in ISO26000 “Committed to CSR” certification by the end of 2026.

MORA INTERNATIONAL Management Committee

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